Key Search Concepts and Terminology


Connecting words (Boolean operators) for combining terms in a search

* ? # !

Common symbols for truncating (chopping off) words to search singulars and plurals and variant endings. Example: wom?n finds women, woman, or womyn in many, but not all, indexes.


The description of a document (article, book, etc.) found in a database search.


The various parts of a record, such as author, title, abstract, publication year. These are often searchable separately for greater precision.


Symbols that are used to indicate various fields of a record. Common symbols include JN for journal, PT for publication type, PY for publication year. Also know as "tags."


Field labels that can be used in a search to limit results by elements such as publication year, type, or language. Examples: la=english or english in la


The subject indexing terms used to describe the contents of a document. Common field labels for descriptors are DE or SU. Used to obtain more precise search results. There is often a built-in thesaurus of descriptors from which you can insert terms into your search query.


Enclosing search terms within parentheses with Boolean operator(s) between. This allows searching of several words as a group, or unit. Examples: (terrorism or bombing) and Syria or

(drug* or narcotic*) and (Medellin or Colombia)

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